On Wednesday, April 24th, IMPH’s Associate Executive Director, Maya Pack, testified during the SC Advisory Council on Aging Public Hearing. This was the first public hearing of the newly formed council that was created earlier this year after the Department of Aging became a state cabinet entity. Council members represent each of the ten planning regions and five at-large members, each appointed by the Governor.
During the hearing, the council heard testimony from stakeholders across South Carolina on challenges and opportunities for serving older adults. During her comments, Ms. Pack shared information from the upcoming release of the Creating Direction: A Guide for Improving Long-Term Care in South Carolina progress report. Maya emphasized progress that has been made since the 2015 report, including efforts to improve care coordination for dual eligible Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries as well as strategies to address the growing demand for Home and Community-Based Services. Additionally, she applauded the work of the General Assembly to prevent elder abuse with the introduction of the Vulnerable Adult Maltreatment Act.
Testimony from IMPH and other stakeholders will be used to inform the work of the Council as they seek to improve long term services and supports for older South Carolinians. The Council is expected to host quarterly hearings in an effort to inform these efforts.