IMPH Taskforces


The South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health’s (IMPH) taskforces allow our organization to convene South Carolina experts and stakeholders from multiple disciplines for a series of time-limited meetings to develop recommendations for improving the health of people in our state. Past taskforces have produced recommendations on behavioral health, long-term care and the health care workforce.

How We Work

How Topics are Selected

IMPH identifies topics of high need for South Carolina based on information gleaned from national and regional conferences, other public health institutes, meetings with legislators and health system leadership, and the latest public health and health care research. The IMPH Board of Directors selects taskforce topics based on policy opportunities, data available to analyze or collect, and interested partners, thought leaders and funders. The taskforce topic must be a public health/health system improvement that impacts population health and does not duplicate existing work in South Carolina.

We Focus On:

Baby Bottle

Historically, South Carolina ranks amongst the worst in the country when it comes to maternal and infant health outcomes. IMPH is convening the Rural Access to Care for Improving Maternal and Infant Health Taskforce from across South Carolina to work collaboratively to develop a year plan for South Carolina to address maternal and infant health outcomes through improved access to care in rural areas.

Social Isolation

Collaboratively identifying approaches to reduce social isolation in older adults and the impact social connectedness has on chronic disease prevention, healthy eating and active living.

Pandemic Preparedness

Examining lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic in areas related to health, education and economic and social stability with a guiding focus on equity and the needs of historically marginalized and vulnerable populations.

Healthcare Workforce

Imagining innovative approaches to care that focuses on prevention, community settings and the social-environmental determinants of health and their implications for the workforce. 

Behavioral Health

Improving care and outcomes to better serve South Carolina residents with behavior health illnesses. Although the taskforce concluded in 2015, IMPH continues to work in this area and publish updates and progress reports to track the advancement of the taskforce’s recommendations.

Healthy Aging

Assessing the long-term care (LTC) system in South Carolina and establishing a strategic direction that meets the future needs of the system and those it serves. Although the taskforce concluded in 2015, IMPH continues to work in this area and publish updates and progress reports to track the advancement of the taskforce’s recommendations.