The South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health worked with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) to manage a project funded by the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers (ASTHO) to support capacity building for Health Impact Assessments (HIAs) in South Carolina.
The resulting report presents the results of a qualitative process conducted to identify how best to engage and provide information to policy and decision makers in a systematic fashion, specific to increasing access to healthy foods and safe places to be active. The partners involved in this HIA capacity building project are interested in learning more about HIAs and how they can affect policies and/or projects to have a positive impact on nutrition and physical activity in South Carolina.
A central component of this project is to assess the state’s readiness to support the capacity and implementation of HIAs related to policies and/or projects that will likely have an impact on childhood obesity through improved nutrition and/or physical activity.