The South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health collaborates with the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program.
The County Health Rankings, first released in 2010, show us that where people live matters to health. The health of a community depends on many different factors – ranging from individual health behaviors, education and jobs, to quality of health care, to the environment. This first-of-its-kind collection of 50 reports – one per state – will help community leaders see that where people live, learn, work, and play influences how healthy people are and how long people live. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation collaborated with the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute to develop these Rankings for each state’s counties.
Click here for one-page fact sheet on the County Health Rankings or visit
In September 2012, the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program announced a new tool called What Works for Health. This resource can be used to find effective policies and programs to improve the many factors that affect health in communities. The tool was designed by experts at the University of Wisconsin’s Population Health Institute to provide individuals with an easy-to-use searchable menu of policies and programs that are supported by evidence. Public health and community leaders can identify a particular health factor and browse through evidence ratings for programs, policies or systems changes that will address their chosen health factor. Health factors include but are not limited to: tobacco use, education, access to care, diet & exercise, alcohol and whether or not use child has safe places to play outside. By implementing or adapting strategies according to the degree of evidence increases the likelihood of success in improving health.
IMPH works with theCounty Health Rankings & Roadmapsto disseminate findings and share tools and resources with professionals and communities.
Visit the South Carolina Rankings.
Visit What Works for Health.