Health Policy Fellows Program


The South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health (IMPH) 
developed the Health Policy Fellows Program in 2013 to provide members 
of the General Assembly with clear, evidence-based health policy information in a nonpartisan manner. The Fellows Program is intended to assist elected officials by providing resources and information related to complex health topics. This program also highlights the importance of considering health implications as factors across all policy decisions.


The Fellows Program includes national speakers as well as South Carolina experts. Panels of health and public health professionals provide information about our state’s health challenges and share examples of promising practices across the state that are achieving success in improving community health.

The full series of Fellows classes is an ongoing program that is offered every other year for members of the General Assembly.
IMPH also offers  a Legislative Summit on election years, which includes a gathering of alumni of the Health Policy Fellows Program, legislative staff, government officials and members of the IMPH Board of Directors. 

The summit includes conversation with state and national experts around a specific health policy issue or concern, seeking collaborative, evidence-based solutions. Learn more.

What Participants Learned in 2023

Class 1: Determinants of Health
Outcomes and Policy Approaches 
to Improve Health

September 12, 2023

The first session oriented participants to the health status of South Carolinians, the non-medical determinants of health, and health disparities that became evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Class 2: Understanding Medicaid,
Health Systems and Financing:
Improving Return on Investment

October 10, 2023 

The second session included an overview of national and state-level health care system structures and financing. This session helped participants better understand how South Carolina’s Medicaid program works and what is and is not included within this funding source. 

Fellows also learned about and discussed changes in the funding landscape as new philosophies emerge about how to pay for health care. 

Class 3: Technical Assistance: Moving
Forward to Improve Health

January 8, 2024

During the final class of the 2023 Health Policy Fellows Program, participants worked to fully understand specific health policy issues on which they want to take action using the skills and knowledge gained in the first two sessions. IMPH convened Fellows with subject-matter experts and facilitated discussions to inform the creation of new or updated policies.
The Palmetto Club
1231 Sumter St, Columbia, SC 29201
3 Sessions over 5 Months
2023-2024 DATES:
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Monday, January 8, 2024

HPFP ALUMNI districts are noted in red
Health Policy Fellows Map
IMPH gratefully acknowledges the support of The Duke Endowment and Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina in making the Health Policy Fellows Program possible.

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